Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Toronto Doughnut Hole!

Just viewed the electoral map of Toronto following the Oct 25 election...

It seems to me that downtown Toronto is like a doughnut hole surrounded by the rest of the doughnut.

It also seems that perhaps the two are irreconcilable.

Those in the doughnut hole voted for George Smitherman...a downtown kind of guy.
Those on the doughnut voted for Etobicoke kind of guy...that also sells in North York and Scarborough.

Perhaps that reflects what is going on with the Toronto Mega-City...a city that has yet to grow into its clothes...that instead is a handful of entities unwillingly joined back in 1998.
There is one city on paper but in reality it is still many cities - many communities that perhaps would be happier on their own.

The premise by Premier Harris in 1997 when he rammed Bill 103 through (in spite of referendums that were overwhelmingly against amalgamation) was that money would be save through efficiencies. This has been proven to be a fallacy - costs have increased!

So if it doesn't save taxpayers money...maybe it shouldn't continue. Maybe Rob Ford should start with this waste of money? Somehow I doubt he will.

It's unfortunate this did not come up during the election - it could have been a good discussion.

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